If you Facebook you might like to take a look here. I am trying to help Howard generate more interest for the miniatures produced in the The Tekumel Project. If you like it let me know. I'll be adding there regularly and here more often in the future.
Shen, Hlaka and Hlutgru are all coming. Oh and a new basing scheme.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
General Kettukal remembers a story he was once told.
Beseiging the Atkolel Heights was starting to wear on General Kettukal and his troops. He knew he needed to find a way to break the stalemate or he might lose troops to another operational theater. In the Empire successes were rewarded and it was best not to even consider failure.
Late one night Kettukal remembered a tale told to him about a ruined temple that was a portal to caverns that held something important. He couldn't remember the entire story but thought it was perhaps best to check it out. In Tekumel stories and myths usually had a scintila of truth.
He knew he needed to send good troops but not his own Legion. He decided on the Legion of Serqu, Sword of the Empire. They are excellent soldiers but not his own. If succesful he of course would claim the operation, his right as General. If a failure; however, it would bring no discredit upon him or his!

The General summoned a young officer of the 14th Imperial Heavy Infantry to his tent, relayed the story as he remembered from his youth and issued orders. Take forces of the 14th to investigate this ruin and look for any evidence of truth in the story.

The young officer deployed scouts to lead his column, it seemed wise to have an advance warning of anything encountered.

Next in his column he deployed his archers. These were good solid heavy infantrymen, surely they could make short work of anything they encountered.

In fact, he decided to lead the archers himself. He would be able to direct their firepower and upon a pre-arranged signal move them to allow the heavy spearmen to finish off any foes. He would still retain enough control of the archers to direct them at any possible problem areas.
Late one night Kettukal remembered a tale told to him about a ruined temple that was a portal to caverns that held something important. He couldn't remember the entire story but thought it was perhaps best to check it out. In Tekumel stories and myths usually had a scintila of truth.
He knew he needed to send good troops but not his own Legion. He decided on the Legion of Serqu, Sword of the Empire. They are excellent soldiers but not his own. If succesful he of course would claim the operation, his right as General. If a failure; however, it would bring no discredit upon him or his!
The General summoned a young officer of the 14th Imperial Heavy Infantry to his tent, relayed the story as he remembered from his youth and issued orders. Take forces of the 14th to investigate this ruin and look for any evidence of truth in the story.
The young officer deployed scouts to lead his column, it seemed wise to have an advance warning of anything encountered.
Next in his column he deployed his archers. These were good solid heavy infantrymen, surely they could make short work of anything they encountered.
In fact, he decided to lead the archers himself. He would be able to direct their firepower and upon a pre-arranged signal move them to allow the heavy spearmen to finish off any foes. He would still retain enough control of the archers to direct them at any possible problem areas.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Baron dispatches a force.
Remember: Click on a Pik for a larger version or leave a comment if so inclined. Now on to our story, to be told in parts.
Baron Ald had heard rumors; there was a ruined temple near the base of the Atkolel Heights. A story hinted that there might be a weapon hidden in this ruin. A weapon that had the power to scatter the troublesome forces of Tsolyani now seeking to besiege him on these very heights. It was possibly just a tale. The Baron knew, it needed to be verified.

The Baron summoned to him a young female officer of some promise from the Gurek of Tleku Miriya I. He instructed her to sneak off of the heights, being careful to avoid detection, and to find and investigate this temple. If a weapon was in fact there; to bring it back, if unable to bring it back, send a runner for stronger forces and safe guard it against capture. Finally, to destroy it if unable to prevent capture.

She knew her trade and sent scouts ahead of the main force. They were spread out to ensure early detection of any ambush or spy.

Behind her scouts she deployed her crossbows. If contact was made a first blow at range could buy precious time or perhaps decide the issue.

These warriors would form up and advance thru the crossbows to send any Tsolyani in the way running. By maintaining direct command of the heavy infantry she could move and deploy them as required.
Baron Ald had heard rumors; there was a ruined temple near the base of the Atkolel Heights. A story hinted that there might be a weapon hidden in this ruin. A weapon that had the power to scatter the troublesome forces of Tsolyani now seeking to besiege him on these very heights. It was possibly just a tale. The Baron knew, it needed to be verified.
The Baron summoned to him a young female officer of some promise from the Gurek of Tleku Miriya I. He instructed her to sneak off of the heights, being careful to avoid detection, and to find and investigate this temple. If a weapon was in fact there; to bring it back, if unable to bring it back, send a runner for stronger forces and safe guard it against capture. Finally, to destroy it if unable to prevent capture.
She knew her trade and sent scouts ahead of the main force. They were spread out to ensure early detection of any ambush or spy.
Behind her scouts she deployed her crossbows. If contact was made a first blow at range could buy precious time or perhaps decide the issue.
These warriors would form up and advance thru the crossbows to send any Tsolyani in the way running. By maintaining direct command of the heavy infantry she could move and deploy them as required.
It seemed a sound plan; now on to find this temple and prove to the Baron he had made the right choice.
Monday, February 1, 2010
More Coming! I promise!
OK kids there is more coming; however, here is a teaser. This is non-canonical-sorry.
Near the Atkolel Heights there is rumor of a ruined temple with a weapon that could change the balance of power regionally. Both Baron Ald and General Kettukal learn this story at nearly the same time and dispatch troops to investigate.

General Kettukal dispatches forces from the Legion of Serqu, Sword of the Empire with orders to head towards the heights, find the temple and investigate it.
Near the Atkolel Heights there is rumor of a ruined temple with a weapon that could change the balance of power regionally. Both Baron Ald and General Kettukal learn this story at nearly the same time and dispatch troops to investigate.
General Kettukal dispatches forces from the Legion of Serqu, Sword of the Empire with orders to head towards the heights, find the temple and investigate it.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
More pictures are coming.
Ok it's been awhile. Those folks that follow my other two blogs already suspect this; I suffer from high goal diffusion. I think the new fashion term is Adult ADD; never really cared to be lumped into a group or be in fashion.
Anyway I'm always painting at least three different projects and I like to have results before I post. I'm also a dad of two teenage girls; one is getting ready for college (sure glad I bought tons of minis while I had money), I have a lovely wife and a job that all demand and in some cases (the wife and girls anyway) actually deserve my time as well. So I post as and when I can.
I found a new Tekumel Blog that is so loaded with great information it isn't possible to absorb it all in one sitting.
http://jakalla.blogspot.com/ Clanless Barbarians of Pupol-Sua.
This will be a great one to bookmark and read often.
Additionally, I have almost finished painting the First Gurék of Tléku Miriyá at 1 to 100. As soon as I have finished I'll take photos and post them. After these guys I'll be painting the Legion of Sérqu, Sword of the Empire.
Anyway I'm always painting at least three different projects and I like to have results before I post. I'm also a dad of two teenage girls; one is getting ready for college (sure glad I bought tons of minis while I had money), I have a lovely wife and a job that all demand and in some cases (the wife and girls anyway) actually deserve my time as well. So I post as and when I can.
I found a new Tekumel Blog that is so loaded with great information it isn't possible to absorb it all in one sitting.
http://jakalla.blogspot.com/ Clanless Barbarians of Pupol-Sua.
This will be a great one to bookmark and read often.
Additionally, I have almost finished painting the First Gurék of Tléku Miriyá at 1 to 100. As soon as I have finished I'll take photos and post them. After these guys I'll be painting the Legion of Sérqu, Sword of the Empire.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Samples; At Last!
Here are a few sample figures I've painted from my Eureka EPT (Armies and Enemies of the Petal Throne) line of soldiers. The Yán Kór will do double duty as Yán Kór obviously for Tékumel battles and they will also be the soldiers of the Mighty Helgraumite Empire in my world. I think it's only fitting that the soldiers of Toslyánu (EPT) become the soldiers of Tralyptia as this is the mortal enemy of Helgrau.
So without further ado here are sample soldiers of Yán Kór /Helgrau and Toslyánu /Tralyptia.
In the words of the Bangles; "We'll start with the Tra-lyp-tions!"
To begin with I have painted a few figures of The Legion of Sérqu; Sword of the Empire and a few of The Legion of Ever-Present Glory.
I have used Prof. Barkers (the creator of the world of Tékumel) paint schemes as guides only. I have a few prejudices that I wasn't able to shake; first heavy infantry should have metal on them. So my heavies have at the least bronze colored scales or plate covering their upper torso.
The Legion of Sérqu, Sword of the Empire, the 14th Imperial Heavy Infantry

The First Legion of Ever-Present Glory, 1st Imperial Heavy Infantry

So without further ado here are sample soldiers of Yán Kór /Helgrau and Toslyánu /Tralyptia.
In the words of the Bangles; "We'll start with the Tra-lyp-tions!"
To begin with I have painted a few figures of The Legion of Sérqu; Sword of the Empire and a few of The Legion of Ever-Present Glory.
I have used Prof. Barkers (the creator of the world of Tékumel) paint schemes as guides only. I have a few prejudices that I wasn't able to shake; first heavy infantry should have metal on them. So my heavies have at the least bronze colored scales or plate covering their upper torso.
The Legion of Sérqu, Sword of the Empire, the 14th Imperial Heavy Infantry
The First Legion of Ever-Present Glory, 1st Imperial Heavy Infantry
The Second Gurék of Tléku Miriyá

The First Gurék of Tléku Miriyá

The First Gurék of Tléku Miriyá
I have labeled the photos with their appropriate Tékumel unit names. I haven’t decided on the names I’ll give these units in my world. I’ll post in the links of this blog a number of resources for quality fantasy and ancient’s period miniatures; as well as, resources for the world of Tékumel.
Click on the photos for a larger version, there is more to come and please feel free to leave comments.
Click on the photos for a larger version, there is more to come and please feel free to leave comments.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
New Legions are very close!
I have begun work on the first four legions for this world. Two are from the Empire of Helgrau and the other two are from one of her enemies. Interestingly they look conspicously like Eureka's EPT (Armies and Enemies of the Empire of the Petal Throne) figures.
I have also started the first unit of Starpans! Starpa is an independant city state that is isolated by mountains and is considered too naturally fortified to be worth attacking. They train as warriors from the moment that they are able, and while the army is small they are fierce, professional and tough! The larger empires are capable of siezing Starpa, it just isn't considered worth the effort or cost.
So sample pictures are on the way for at least three of the nations this world.
I have also started the first unit of Starpans! Starpa is an independant city state that is isolated by mountains and is considered too naturally fortified to be worth attacking. They train as warriors from the moment that they are able, and while the army is small they are fierce, professional and tough! The larger empires are capable of siezing Starpa, it just isn't considered worth the effort or cost.
So sample pictures are on the way for at least three of the nations this world.
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